Friday, December 23, 2005


We made it! Flying on the 21st was a very good idea...our 2 flights were full, but everything was on time and no baggage lost :)

It is hilarious to see how Floridians decorate for Xmas-the huge blow-up Santas, snowmen, the globes, 10 foot lighted figurines, garland, etc, next to the sand and surf. It just doesn't fit. We do have a favorite, though, where the homeowner put lights on all the palm trees in his yard-wound around the trunks and scattered in the fronds...that is how to xmas decorate Florida-style!

We did the mall and some local shopping-actually fun as we were all together. I had a glorious mani/pedi today, and now feel flop worthy. The manicurist asked where I was from because my feet were so pale....I still gave her a nice tip :)

Getting ready for one of my favorite activities-wrapping gifts!!!! No paper cuts, please!

Chrissy-a bed is totally available for you here if you bust out of Swarthmore!

.....more later from the sunny south...



Welcome JO....there is something to be said for sitting on a beach with a cold Corona on XMas day....

tedman said...

I wish I shared your enthusiasm for wrapping gifts for I am greatly challenged by this holiday tradition.

Have a great time in FLA.


Thanks Ted.

akjn westside said...

teddy...I will wrap for u next year :)