Friday, March 31, 2006


Ak and I went to the Flyers game with Kelly and Terrence this past Tuesday-crappy that they lost, but we had a hell of a time! K&T don't mess around-we had the perfect parking spot, perfect spot at the bar prior to game followed by a tag team relay throughout the game for more drinks, good laughs, a drink at McFadden's post-game while the traffic was crazy, and back to Wilmington, De in about 20 minutes. It was a beautiful thing, except for the loss. We tried to meet up with CNN's bro between periods, but he was on the 'club' level, and Kelly and I were denied access! This was one of the only times my big boobs weren't able to work it. I talked with them when we got home-everyone is cool.

Akjn are taking it West-side next week! Heading back to our old hood-Silicon Valley. Can't wait to visit all of our good buddies, eat at all the restaurants we've been craving, head to Santa Cruz and Boulder Creek, see some redwoods, hit SF, check in at my old place of employment, eat more, shop, eat, eat! (FYI: much of ak's world revolves around food) We are very excited!! Then we will be heading south from there to Sedona, to help supervize the new deck installation at ak's mom's house, and eat tons of food at all of the delish places there!

We had some visitors a couple of weekends ago-college pals from Richmond. Andre went up to NYC to retrieve more of his possessions from his sub-let apt. He went to Africa last summer, and had a gallery show of his photos he had taken there in NYC this past June. He brought the unsold pics back with him, and we got 3 amazing photos-not typical animal scenes-more urban/texture pics...hope you'll get to see them sometime. Jeffe bought a bunch of Ak's computer cast offs, and in doing so, I got half of my 'craft' table back! I have been waiting for that half since we moved in together in April of 1999 in's been a long time!

I've been thouroughly enjoying the continuation of MofC through comments, as well as PokerPro's Nigerian situation...we;ll just have to see how they both play out.

Peace out.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Farewell to the Banana Sling and/or I Miss the Bat Guano

I am joining with CNN and PokerPro in the Hands Across Sligo campaign.
How dare one of our pioneers leave us!

Quote from MofC:
It doesn't lend itself to a discussion of the weightier issues - gun control, abortion, religion, euthanasia and all that kind of light party chat, at least not in it's current format. The kind of issues that get the "Richie's" of the world all worked up into a lather!

My response to this is-so what? I enjoy our blog/comment banter as I feel I am getting to know myself and my friends better. Doesn't that count for anything?

Please reconsider, Chuck...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

For My Good Buddy PinF

When he shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars
And he will make the face of heav'n so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.

~William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

PinF-you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers here at the treehouse.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Early AM Treehouse Report

It is currently 3:40am in the treehouse and I am wide awake! This is due to the all day nap that I took in order to recover from last night's festivities.

I finally met our boy PinF, and our biggest blog fan Jah with her family.....we shared lots of laughs, had good chats, smoked many cigarettes and drank a hell of a lot of beer. The class of '87 was out in force on State Street last night. It was so good to see so many friends :)

Two important bloggers were missing and need to provide explanations:
1. Chuck-we know you touched down at PHL at approximately 12:30am last night, which gave you plenty of time to get to Media for last call with us!
2. Pokerpro-we know you went out to dinner in Philly, so we expected that you would be a little late....but not showing up at all?

I really can't give anyone too much of a hard time, because we know I don't leave the treehouse all that often :)

Big thanks to Goose for driving me to CNN's last night, then picking the 2 of us up in the am to head back and get our cars. Before going home, we got to enjoy java with PinF and Ted-thanks for meeting us! That was an extra bonus, and the weather was divine for sitting out and watching the folks and their dogs go by.

Now ak and I are looking forward to the HBO line-up later today. We will return to our tradition of cooking italian and eating while watching the Sopranos, and we are interested in the new show-Big Love-about polygamy, starring Bill Paxton.

Until next time..... Jojo out!

Monday, March 6, 2006


Just reporting on the happenings of the past week or so....

While surfing around the other day, I found myself looking at the Penncrest website, and I clicked on the find your class button to see if any of my cohorts and friends were listed. I actually signed in and created an alumni profile! Then, when I clicked to find my other classmates, I was so disappointed to find only one other class of '87 graduate had registered ... Joe Montgomery. So, I am urging the PHS graduates out there to log onto, and don't leave me alone with Joe.
(oh, I also checked out the Claude J. Falcone memorial/tribute sight which was very cool....he was my art major teacher all 4 years, the only teacher who pushed me, and the only teacher who prepared me for college!)

A bit of bummer news-my mom went for MRI's last week to check the progress of her healing neck fracture, and unfortunately it has not healed at all! No therapy or driving for mama for a few more months. She expressed to me that maybe she doesn't want to drive at all any more...I can say that I am slightly anxious over that statement, but she was in a bad accident, she's old, and the longer she does not drive the harder it will be for her to get behind the wheel. I have decided to cross that bridge when we get to it, focus on my mother's healing and well being NOW. Her primary care doctor just put her on Prozac as this whole experience has put her in the dumps-who wouldn't be? Anyway, we are doing all we can to keep her frown upside down. :)

Fun, fun, fun!! We had a fabulous weekend! We actually left the treehouse! A college buddy flew up from Atlanta Thursday night, and from that point on, the laughter did not stop! We had a great Saturday night-met CNN and Tedman in the city for some drinks, then on to Morimoto for a sushi fest beyond belief. We were sad to drop him off at PHL on Sunday, but happy to have such amazing friends. He's our brother from another mother.
(note on the movie "Waiting"....slapstick parody of Bennigan's style restaurants...we recommend for crazy laughs, but you won't feel like eating out for a while.....a LONG while....)

Finally....I have been blog-silent recently due to the backlash regarding the Rookie Blogger of the Year Award. I had nothing to do with it! In order to keep our community together, I propose that we develop a ballot at the next convention for a 2006 Summer Awards ceremony. I picture the ceremony in close proximity to Ted's BBQ. PinF, we'll wait until you journey north to convene the ballot conception meeting....Chuck-do you think we can get a webcam going in CR for you?

Peace out, players!