Monday, December 19, 2005

Pollyanna Pics

Sorry about the red eye, but it always happens when the picture taker has had at least one bottle of champagne.
Raymonds new haircut is shown here-look how handsome our boy is!
Few of us are lucky to have such friends, and I am so proud of all of my girls! It's like having a posse from the Wild West-friends that are there for you and will help you no matter what wherever they may be. And to the girls with children, I must say you have produced the most beautiful children-just amazing! Can you imagine us ever dreaming what 2005 would bring us as we sat in our various Penncrest classrooms? I know I was thinking of 6th period with Mr. oerther so I could smoke in the lab, or my office duties with Mr. Fertel where I could also smoke and check out our tests being run on the ancient mimeograph machine....things wer alot simpler then :)


cns said...

i still can't get over the "haircut"
i bet mary put that abiding knot in his hair while he was sleeping

PokerPro said...

Did you save his shorn locks for sale on ebay? Looks like a great party, any leftovers in the fridge?

akjn westside said...

sorry, pokerpro, Chrissy and I did some damage on the leftovers on Sunday...CNN-we have to find out where Screw got the pretzles.
Ray's haircut was a real mind-blower! Kim thinks he needs some Bon Jovi highlights to make it complete.