It is currently 3:40am in the treehouse and I am wide awake! This is due to the all day nap that I took in order to recover from last night's festivities.
I finally met our boy PinF, and our biggest blog fan Jah with her family.....we shared lots of laughs, had good chats, smoked many cigarettes and drank a hell of a lot of beer. The class of '87 was out in force on State Street last night. It was so good to see so many friends :)
Two important bloggers were missing and need to provide explanations:
1. Chuck-we know you touched down at PHL at approximately 12:30am last night, which gave you plenty of time to get to Media for last call with us!
2. Pokerpro-we know you went out to dinner in Philly, so we expected that you would be a little late....but not showing up at all?
I really can't give anyone too much of a hard time, because we know I don't leave the treehouse all that often :)
Big thanks to Goose for driving me to CNN's last night, then picking the 2 of us up in the am to head back and get our cars. Before going home, we got to enjoy java with PinF and Ted-thanks for meeting us! That was an extra bonus, and the weather was divine for sitting out and watching the folks and their dogs go by.
Now ak and I are looking forward to the HBO line-up later today. We will return to our tradition of cooking italian and eating while watching the Sopranos, and we are interested in the new show-Big Love-about polygamy, starring Bill Paxton.
Until next time..... Jojo out!
Is it really that hard to understand the "Rookie of the Year" accolade? Our boy's P.P. and MofC just can't muster the dedication to cause, not to mention the "esprit de corp" required to wear such a heavy crown as Rookie Blogger of the Year. Nice work JO---oh and a helluva job as doorman/bouncer too....intimidated the hell out of few of those young lads.....PinF
Guilty as charged. Dinner at Cuba Libre was great and then the night just kept going and going and going...I did not get back to Media until 6pm Saturday night. Sorry I missed you guys but I don't believe that was a "sanctioned" blogger meeting as proper notice was not provided..check the bylaws.
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