I can't believe it has been a year since I saw my Eagles lose their chance at a Super Bowl win...I threw a chocolate cake from our 4th floor balcony in fustration! (don't worry-I had a back-up cake, so no one missed dessert)
Well, the Eagles certainly didn't make it far this year, but the SB Sunday is one of my favortie days of the year, no matter who is playing. I will be routing for the Black and Yellow, mainly because they are the other PA team, and for Jerome Bettis. I am looking forward to a good, close game, with lots of action and emotion-the match-up with the Seahawks should be a thriller...I love football! And the Stones are playing at halftime-you just can't beat that!
I also love the concept of the SB party. Ak and I had our first SB get-together in CA in 2000 ('99 season), and have done so each year following. (I have to admit I enjoyed watching the game more at 3:30pm rather than 6:30pm) We love to cook and eat, so the SB is the perfect opportunity for gluttony. Last year Ak started a traditon-ordering stone crabs from Joe's in Miami Beach-YUM! If you've never had them, I really cannot describe them, aside from ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! Well, the crabs have just arrived at our doorstep today...they knocked politely and put themselves right into the fridge....I told you they were good!
Football was something that my dad had me watching at an early age. I am an only child and a girl, so with some things I believe my dad just pretended I was a boy-sports, fixing the car, mowing, painting the house, roofing, etc. I am grateful that he did so, because we got to spend a great deal of time together, and we enjoyed watching games together so much. Besides the cool sweater and small skirt, I think I beacame a cheerleader in high school just to be closer to the sidelines and the action. Even out in CA, my dad and I would call each other 10-15 times on a football Sunday, just to say "did you see that?", "what a play", etc.
Now that he is gone, football has become more special to me, as I feel he is close to me on any given Sunday :)
Now, let's get that coin tossed and go!
AKJN---I'm beginning to understand our connection even more now....I thin he must have been plenty proud of the woman you turned out to be....PinF is also a lover of Joe's SC's...and makes his pilgrimage personally every year...Your blog rocks girl...so interactive with the photos and and famly vignettes....he's with you still; just as my dad is with me---they just live in our hearts now and our memories of course. Enjoy that game girl...and the crabs. PinF
thanks, PinF! Like Ted said-your words and writing are inspiring, and bring out the best in all of us!
Blogging has become something more than just a report on what I did in a day/week-it has allowed me to express myself and feelings in a way I never knew I could :)
We'll have to do Joe's together on our next trip South...you have a great day, too!
While my Dad and I never watched a football game together (everyone in my house was a sports fanatic and I think the rebellious girl I was as a teenager rejected sports just to spite them all), we were definately "buddies", and your blog brought back many sweet memories. He spent the last 18 months of his life tethered to a dialysis machine, but he never lost his sense of humor and never let me forget that I was his girl.
Thanks, Jojo, and keep up the thougt-provoking blogs. It's cheaper than therapy!
jah-can't wait to meet you in person...the cnn drop off at hooters doesn't count...thanks for the kudos-I am in agreement that blogging is better than therapy :)
Have a fantastic SB Sunday!
AKJN--what is your contact email? There is none on your profile....
AKJN, great entry. Sorry to have missed your SB party. Embarrassingly enough, i forgot to reply to your email to let you know I was going to Raymonds.
Sorry, hope you guys had a good time, we sure did!
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