Things have been a bit nutty since the last post. My daily driving duties got to me a bit, and my mom and I are currently embarking into all sorts of financial crapola (the glory of the PoA) that has her completely freaking out. If you know me, and know my mom, this does not equal harmony. We are classic tortoise and hare-yours truly stars as the hare. This morning I felt as though I had a 14 year old daughter deciding on what to wear to school that day, rather than a 76 year old mother deciding to consolidate her debt.
So I had to sit myself down and count my blessings:
1. My mom/ak's mom in pretty good shape
2. Friends/Family (I have a hard time separating the 2)
3. Roof over the head
4. Running water
5. Food in the fridge and pantry
6. Clothing
7. Transportation
After considering the above, I felt great! What a lucky person I am.
Ak taught me to do this whenever I felt a bit overwhelmed, or just in a general pissy mood.
Try it-it works all the time :)
Good One Jo. So true how we often get caught in the minutia of the moment therby disregarding the day. Shouldn't your blog be on that list?
I love your optimistic outlook on life JoJo!
8. your health
9. you don't have to work
10. you have a real louis vuitton bag
11. your health
12. your blog
13. you're beautiful
14. you have ak
15. your hd plasma tv
enjoy the drives with your mom
throw on some neil diamond or some greek tunes, crack the windows and enjoy the time with her
thanks, guys!
cnn-love the expanded list, so true! made my day :)
the blog should have been 3rd on my list!
if you don't like it, don't read it, and certainly don't comment!
Buzz off!
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