AKJN Weather Station, approximately 100 views per day

Close-up of indoor temp, evil face, indoor humidity
We are having quite a time stabilizing our moisture saturation level in the treehouse, mainly due to the forced air heat. We have 4 humidifiers going all day, and they get filled twice a day. We had a bottle of champagne last week when we got the humidity up to 42%...that is the first and only time that evil little face has smiled. It mocks me daily.
This is true crisis for the Glow....sufficient moisture in the air is essential for healthy young looking skin, and maintaining moisturization. I've had to step up my game over here, as I also have to counterbalance the smoking.
PinF, I may need some super humid FL crack lotion STAT.
I'm recommending the ISC twie daily. Fill that bath tub with scalding water and bath salts, allow to steep for 20 minutes before entering the sanctuary for no less than 1 hr. of saturation,...continue saturating the inside as well with as much champagne as possible...this should do it.....oh and do not use towel....drip dry only for maximum moisture retention....
ISC=Intense Saturation Chamber
we are curently holding at 39%...the ISC method will definately be employed in just a bit...we are having a nice snow shower right now!
Glow appreciates the moisturization support :)
Get rid of the "plants", plus your electric bill will come down...
But seriously, MoC is also quite concerned about maintaining his youthful appearance to the extent he bought himself a room humidifier! We are all aware of the damaging effect cold air has on skin!
I can also show you a picture (w/o the face) of my little weather station reading 20% RH! I only use it in my room at night when sleeping. After about 4 hours it startes to raise the levels and by morning I usually hit the high 30's or 40, 41.
Maybe you should only run it in the bedroom, you'll get better results?
...and maybe a BIGGER humidifier?
No growing to worry about, but the electricity bill is high anyway.
I am so glad to hear you are actively concerned about your glow, and that you are moistening also.
You know we bought the biggest ones they had, aside from the floor standing one, and they hold 3 gallons each...you'd think it would be enough! Once the heat comes on, though, it sucks all the moist air out in about 2 minutes, so it is a losing battle, no matter what size humidifier you have.
California....moist mountain air is calling my skin.
Then I suggest a "Bubble"
I already live in a bubble.
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