CNN EFFECT (the network, NOT the woman) n. The negative effect on the economy caused by people staying home to watch CNN or some other news source during a crisis such as a war.
MILITAINMENT n. News coverage of, or television shows about, war or the military
CELEBUTARD n. A celebrity widely perceived as unintelligent (i.e. Paris Hilton)
SEASON CREEP n. Spring seemed to come early this year-and summer lasted a bit longer. Most scienists blame global warming. Duh.
WIKIALITY n. Wikipedia + reality = truth based on consensus rather than fact. The growing popularity of the online encyclopedia, for which the public writes and edits entries.
LIQUID TERROR n. After terrorists plotted to board planes in London with liquid explosives, this term was coined for the latest suspected terrorist tactic. (Aqua Net hairspray is my own personal LIQUID TERROR)
FAKESTER n. A person who puts up a profile on a social networking website such as Friendster or MySpace that contains false or misleading information, or that is dedicated to another person or to an object.
VAJAYJAY n. A euphemism for the word vagina, created on the Oprah show.
GUERRILLA GARDENER n. The surreptitious or unauthorized planting of flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and other flora in a public space.
MANCATION n. A vacation in which the participants are all men.
MANPOLITAN n. Big Plow's version of the Cosmopolitan, so he doesn't feel less manly drinking them.
...and finally, my personal favorites:
BROKEBACK MARRIAGE n. Thanks to Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and their celebrated screen tragedy, there's now a term to describe a union between a gay man and a sraight woman, or a gay married man having an affair.
BROKEBACK adj. Used to describe any time 2 or more men are talking on the phone, together in a group, or out in any public scenario.
Crafting it up in CA, letting my good buddies Eastside know what I am up to out here in The Cats
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007

AKJN Weather Station, approximately 100 views per day

Close-up of indoor temp, evil face, indoor humidity
We are having quite a time stabilizing our moisture saturation level in the treehouse, mainly due to the forced air heat. We have 4 humidifiers going all day, and they get filled twice a day. We had a bottle of champagne last week when we got the humidity up to 42%...that is the first and only time that evil little face has smiled. It mocks me daily.
This is true crisis for the Glow....sufficient moisture in the air is essential for healthy young looking skin, and maintaining moisturization. I've had to step up my game over here, as I also have to counterbalance the smoking.
PinF, I may need some super humid FL crack lotion STAT.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This is truly my favorite poem, and I dedicate it to my mom on her day.
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
ee cummings
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Mr. Maxwell making his annual appearance...he is the only man to have entered our pollyanna sanctuary. Go figure.
Fun was had by the ladies Saturday night! We started with some bubbly at CNN's, then hit Sligos. We didn't stay long, as the Irish band that was playing traditional Celtic music was making us loco....I felt like slitting my wrists. Onward to the Plummy where we ran into the usual class of '87 suspects. Fran was off but there, and was able to enjoy some drinks with us.
Finally, back to CNN's for the slumber party, then started off the day with tasty mimosas and Parliament Lights.
Thanks ya!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AK taking in the view
This is a Christmas we will remember forever. Going to NYC with our moms was incredible. Not just the sights we saw, but being together made this holiday different. Christmas Eve Day we hosted an open house, and then had a wonderful dinner including CNN. I find it amazing that I had all the people I love most surrounding me at one time-it was invigorating, and truly the first "good" holiday I've had since pop has been gone. Finally.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
2007 Treehouse Report
First things first, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
Next...something dawned on me today, so I checked it out. My first post was on December 15, 2005! What a long strange trip it's been.
Well, since Chuck's party, things have been a whirlwind here. We should install a turnstyle at the front door with the amount of people that have been though here and stayed here.
The mamas were here for 2 days, then we jetted to NYC (pictures/post coming soon) for the holiday. We got back, cleaned up, then our next guest arrived Saturday, Andre, to ring in the New Year with us. He left today at around 2pm, and now I am running around cleaning for the next arrival, Armand, coming in from ATL. He actually just called to say he missed his plane, but will catch the next to arrive into PHL at midnight.
So I am taking a break from the Swiffer and the Dyson, enjoying some champagne, and writing this. After a thrilling late afternoon watching the Birds triumph, we mellow-ly rang the New Year in, watched tons of funny stuff (richard in a box 20x, borat, clerks 2), danced to Madonna's Confessions concert broadcast(okay, only I danced), had lots of laughs, and mountains of food.....we were constantly eating!
That's all for now, peeps!

New Year still life

Jojo and Andre

Alaska drinking champagne
Next...something dawned on me today, so I checked it out. My first post was on December 15, 2005! What a long strange trip it's been.
Well, since Chuck's party, things have been a whirlwind here. We should install a turnstyle at the front door with the amount of people that have been though here and stayed here.
The mamas were here for 2 days, then we jetted to NYC (pictures/post coming soon) for the holiday. We got back, cleaned up, then our next guest arrived Saturday, Andre, to ring in the New Year with us. He left today at around 2pm, and now I am running around cleaning for the next arrival, Armand, coming in from ATL. He actually just called to say he missed his plane, but will catch the next to arrive into PHL at midnight.
So I am taking a break from the Swiffer and the Dyson, enjoying some champagne, and writing this. After a thrilling late afternoon watching the Birds triumph, we mellow-ly rang the New Year in, watched tons of funny stuff (richard in a box 20x, borat, clerks 2), danced to Madonna's Confessions concert broadcast(okay, only I danced), had lots of laughs, and mountains of food.....we were constantly eating!
That's all for now, peeps!

New Year still life

Jojo and Andre

Alaska drinking champagne
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