Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Ipad has landed....

At exactly 12:47pm today, I met the UPS man at the door and signed for Ak's Ipad. He will be engrossed with his new toy for many, many hours....only surfacing to grill our lambchops for tomorrow's Easter dinner :)

I am looking forward to playing my current iphone games on the larger screen, and I can't wait to watch a movie on it. It's going to be awesome for travelling. In the last 13-14 years that we've been together, the amount of tech stuff (and all the stupid heavy power bricks) that have travelled with have diminished significantly. Hitting the road with this thing is going to be great :)

One of the new TV shows we do watch is Modern Family - we find it hilarious. Anyway, the episode this week was all about the Ipad, and the shennanigans the whole family went through to get one for the dad. Good stuff.

I am preparing for our Easter dinner tomorrow, however, I am sick with a sinus infection - bad this time. All tired and puffy eyed, falling asleep wherever I sit down. I've downed almost a case of Gatorade this week. In spite of it, we are festive, and have lots of Easter decorations going on, and daffodils everywhere. We are painting eggs today, too.

I am posting the pic of Scarlett Begonia, too, that I received from CNN today. What an Easter treat! She is definately a pollyanna girl :)


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