I got called out today for not blogging in a timely manner. I didn't realize how long it had been.
Work has been nutty! We are currently renovating 10 units a month with new appliances, cabinetry, flooring and carpeting, and I am the liason between the property and the construction crew. I have my own hardhat in white, as they really don't make them in pink. Maybe a new business venture for me? Anyway, I am learning a great deal and enjoy working with these dudes. They give me respect because they know my dad was a shop teacher....they think that is cool.
The new general manager is working out well. He is a sales genius, I am the operations genius, so we are a pretty formidable force. He claims that I am the best manager he's ever worked with...not bad for having a 4 year hiatus.
Personal Appearance:
Late in September, I went in for my fall hair make-over. I am back to the dark brownish/red hair (aka Cinammon Bisque) and got 4 inches cut off. It was quite dramatic the first few days, but ak and I are used to it know, and I feel pretty!
There is a huge Pi Beta Phi alumni group out here - I get an evite weekly for events. I have not attended any yet - CA Pi Phis kind of scare me with all the blonde & bubbles, but there
is one woman who contacted me personally. She also graduated from Old Dominion, only in 1966. We had a great chat about the sorority house (still the same) and all of the changes that have taken place on campus since we both graduated.
For the record, I graduated in 1992. I am looking forward to meeting her in a more private setting, as we had a great conversation, and she is also an east coaster.
Our buddy Jason (aka Bird) from ODU, his wife and adorable son Zach visited San Francisco in mid-September. They had a wedding up in the city, so we met them for a day of fun. We met them at Crissy Field, the park that has a panorama view of the Golden Gate, Alcatraz, and a stunning view of the city. As it turns out, Bird bought a kite to fly with Zach, and we got to Crissy Field only to discover a whole kite contest going on - it was so cool! Kids making kites, kites in the sky as big as our townhouse, beautiful kites that looked like works of art...there was an announcer talking about each of the kites and interviewing the flyers. Needless to say, Zach had a ball, and we did, too! I can't tell you the last time I flew a kite, but I look forward to doing it again soon! We had a great time with them - you guys might remember them from the engagement BBQ. Bird fell in love with the city and CA in general...he's got the bug.

Also, last weekend, Jeffe and his wife Kristin came out for a balls-to-the-wall weekend visit. They arrived Thursday, hit the city, then came down and had dinner with akjn and Mark, then came back to our shack. Friday they went to Napa all day, then Saturday we all went up to Boulder Creek to pick up Rob, then headed to Big Basin Redwoods Park, walked among the trees, then drove a bit and hiked to Chicken Scratch Rock.....it was a glorious day, and we relaxed and sunned ourselves, looking out over the redwoods, Santa Cruz and the Pacific. We then travelled down to Santa Cruz to Steamers Lane to watch the surfers and catch the sunset. There had been a surf contest during the day, so there was a good deal of activity. Then we went to the pier to see the seals - it is still a wonder to me how big they are. And loud! The view of the lights at the boardwalk and rides was spectacular. Afer an amazing dinner, we heading back over the hill home. Then all of a sudden it was Sunday and they had to leave.....it was so much fun, but too short. They promised that the next trip out would be for a longer period.

We finally got our act together a bit, and got 80% of our stuff stashed away in the proper places, and the place looking pretty tight. We've been avoiding it like the plague, but with guests coming we knew we had to put on our big pants and dive in. All that 's left to do is to hang the art, and it will feel like
akjn again.
We've had some rain the past couple of days. It never lasts for more than 30 minutes. The plants are thriving! I think we are finally settling into the house thing: the absent/weird landlord, the neighbors, and the neighborhood. Sundays are spent watching the games, which we are enjoying tremendously - what a great season so far! I am doing well in the fantasy league, and am currently in third place.
Real time 8:18pm 10/18/07: ak is on the phone with Pinf, walking him through an ipod restore ... historic moment
Okay - that's all I've got. I feel I stepped up to the plate sufficiently :) Thinking about all of you!
Oh, before I forget, a quick true or false test:
1. Does cnn now own a dog?
2. Does MofC have a girlfriend?
3. Does PPro need a colonoscopy to remove the 20 ouncer?