Pictured right is my sweet-sugar godson, Nicky. I headed north to Langhorne last week to pay a visit to my Greek Meatball. Of course I had my mini Canon camera with me, and Nicky loved playing with it - he thought it was a phone at first, and kept putting ut up to his ear and saying hello, then to my ear for me to say hello. There was lots of giggling during this :) Then I could almost see the light bulb going off in his head as he turned on the camera, then took the 2 "in your face" portraits of himself, then turned the camera around to view the pics on the screen. Forget giggling-Nicky totally did a freak "look what I did" tribal dance while whooping. The dance was slightly off balance as he was recovering from the 2 recent flashes that went off in his face!

My camera is actually very hard to turn on, so his mother and I were completely amazed at his dexterity. I also remember watching the mini-Pinf working the laptop like it was an extension of herself, and my 12 year old cousin Alexis who regularly kicks Ak's butt on the Playstation, or their PSP's. Ak and I are amazed at the capacity kids have for absorbing the tech-they have no fears, and don't get all that fustrated if something doesn't work right the first time. And they have those tiny little hands and fingers!!!

Nicky is crying because I am leaving - talk about pulling heartstrings!! He knows who I am, and we almost have him calling me "Nouna" , Greek for godmother. If you ask him where Nouna is, he points to me, or the picture of me in his room. It gives JGlow the warm fuzzies :)
Tough week in the treehouse...both Ak and I came down with sinus infections. The week has been filled with tissues, soup, antibiotics, Mucinex, nasty cough drops, Gatorade...it is a DNA nightmare over here. I am craving a cheesteak badly, but fear I would suffocate while trying to eat it. I can't rememebr the last time air actually came out of my right nostril! I think we are finally on the mend, though, and hope to attend the Guthrie Invitational on Friday.
On Monday morning, we are flying to western NC (Lake Sapphire) to surprise ak's mom on her 70th birthday. She is currently peeved with us, as we are "sick" (literally!) and cannot make it down....she thought we were flying down Saturday. With the help of her best friends, Pinky & John, who also have a home in Sapphire, we are going to shock the hell out of her!! Pinky and John are having a birthday cocktail party for her Monday evening, then taking her out to dinner. We will be at P & J's from 4pm, and will hide and pop out when they do her birthday toast. I hope we don't give her a heart attack.
Later, peeps.
cute little guy!
akjn needs some babies over there in treehouse
cheesesteak suffocation..heehee
sounds like the guttentaugh's are still on for tomorrow night...
did u go beta?
it's seems easier to comment here than over at pinfers paradise
I don't think I ever upgraded to beta, but I just went into the template and changed the colors.
akjn might not make it tomorrow...talked (croaked) to Meesh earlier...we'll play it by ear...big week coming up
can PinF be your "Irish meatball"?
test, test
PinF is back!! Either everyone converted to BETA last night as I slept, OR BLOGGER worked out the bugs!
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