JGLOW's personal nightmare come true......
My Hello Kitty heart is broken! Sanrio, the folks behind my beloved HK, have taken it to a lower level. They have created a signature Hello Kitty figure with a Paris Hilton look.
Thank the Lord it's only available in Japan.
The blonde hair is ridiculous...HK has fur, not synthetic extensions!!
I may have to go to The Betty over this. One thing that is helping me through this blasphemy is the Gallery of The Absurd take on this ad-check it out, it's one of my links.
I can't believe I have a picture of Paris on my blog...this is a low, but I needed to make everyone aware! I am truly shattered ... but you know I'll be in that store on my next KoP jaunt ;)
Shame on Sanrio!
just what our little girls out there need...a hello hussy handbag
So? Is it on? Let me know if I should man the picket line here in Palm Beach....Sophia will be on it in an instant, she certainly has a bit of free time with hurricane related school interruptions.....PinF remains on standby.
go jojo go jojo
hope Ernesto doesn't make things to yucko for the Pinfers :)
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