Thank You,
Tim, Meesh, Kelly and Ted

Party favor Zachary and his mommy Pasha

The Ladies: Sue's grandmom, my Aunt Mary, my Mom & Sue

Bartenders Chrissy & Terrence

Late evening camera instruction-it really looks like we know what we are doing!

Again, fun was had by all, especially akjn! My mom was out past midnight! Lots of good laughs with everyone, and delicious food.
Akjn again extends our deepest thanks to Chrissy and Sue for co-hosting, and to everyone who attended :) Love you guys!
LOVED THE PARTY. I was really great to see everyone. We should do another event.
I know it-we had a blast!! Thanks for coming!! Well, the 5 miler is just around the corner...we'll get some food coordination going on in the next few weeks :)
Sorry I missed the "gig", looks like you guys were kicking it pretty good! Proud of Felicia hanging w/the kids. I thought Booty was the only mom staying up till 1am?? Thanks alot JoJo/Axl
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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