The 3 adults hung out in the kitchen for a bit, and I said - "hey, let's just go while she's sleeping since we won't be long," and Julie agreed. We would run out while Ak stayed with the sleeper. Ak was standing there, looking at us like we had lost it. He of course objected at first, but we convinced him/gave him no choice :) He was worried that she would freak out when she woke up and we weren't there, or that she would sissy/doody while we were gone. I made sure he knew where the sippy cup was, and where to go in the On Demand menu to get to Yo Gabba Gabba and The Wonder Pets shows.
As Julie and I left, I was thinking - he thinks we're kidding, and that we're going to go back in and get Scarlett to take with us. At the same time, Ak was inside waiting for us to come back in and say "just kidding, we're taking her". No such thing happened, and I couldn't believe we took off!! I knew I'd probably be in a little bit of hot water after we got back, but I also knew he would be absolutely fine with Scarlett.
Julie and I did our shopping and got back in record time. As I walked back into the house, I heard one of the sweetest things....Ak and Scarlett were singing together along with the TV to a tooth-fairly song - Brush, brush, brush, get your teeth clean, etc. Honestly, it was adorable to find them sitting on the couch. Scarlett had her sippy cup, and was very happy. She had woken up about a half hour before we got back, asked for something to drink and to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Ak was amazed that she didn't freak out, and basically could give a hoot where her mom was :)
I am very proud of Ak, and Julie, too! She said the reason she wasn't nervous about Ak watching Scarlett was because Ak was so nervous, and that meant that he cared about her. I thought that was a very cool statement.
I have been bragging to everyone about Ak's first babysitting job at 40 :) I m so proud of him, and I think he's pretty happy with himself, too. And I didn't encounter any hot water!
So, in short, we can now say we provide couple's babysitting service for the greater Los Gatos area, or in reality, just for Julie's kids!
Have a great day, peeps!

Scarlett awake - 8/27/10 :)
maybe it's time to make some babies
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