We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of _______ _______ Schmidt, AKA the baby that will not leave the womb.
Axel is convinced that Chrissy and Eric are having a boy. His reasoning is that girls are always ready to go, and would fly out of their mommies if they could; where as boys are a little slower and lazier, content to drift in fluid forever.
Chrissy has been at Riddle since Wednesday, on drips and drops to get the birth going. Original due date was Monday the 19th, but he/she is not ready to make their debut yet.
Chrissy is hilarious - I've been able to talk to her everyday, making normal conversation, like she's not about to push out a human being or anything :) That's my girl!
She is fine and the baby is fine.
We just have to wait, and patience is not my forte.
Stay tuned for news......
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