One thing I could not miss was Chrissy's baby shower. Timing was perfect to attend, and since I was already in NC, the trip up to Media was short and sweet. I also got to spend a week with my mom, and help her with her kitchen remodel, too.
Obviously, I kept this secret from Chrissy, and only told the shower hosts & my two Kellys. Everyone in NC could see how excited I was to get to this shower....I was literally giddy and giggly from the time I left NC until I walked up the Heddy's back door to announce my arrival. I entered the shower saying "I heard someone was pregnant here", and then I was hugging Chrissy and her adorable belly. Tears were flowing....I was hoping the surprise would make her have the baby right then and there!
Chrissy looks amazing! Also, depending on your angle, she actually doesn't look pregnant! There is definately a glow around her and Eric. It was wonderful to see Boots and Bill at the shower, and they are so proud of Chrissy. I also got to meet Eric's mom, a sister-in-law, and Heddy's parents, as well seeing all of my girls. There were times during the day when I just looked around and couldn't believe how fortunate I was to be around so many of my gals! Why the hell do I live in CA??!!?? Anyway, I was at the shower from 1pm to 7pm.....lots of fun, chit-chatting, laughing, eating and of course, drinking. I admit I was hammered on the way home.
Eric, Kelly & Chrissy

Kim, Kelly, Elan, Susan & Greta

Chris with the Jojo LAX blanket

Greta, Missy, Kelly, me, Kelly, Chrissy & Kim

Kudos to Heddy, Kate and Kimmy Cupcakes for throwing the world's best baby shower!
I rode the shower high all week while with mom. We really worked hard on the kitchen, and ran around every day running errands. The weather in PA was perfect...I felt bad as Axel & Barb were just soaking in NC the whole time.
The Thursday night before I left, Chrissy, both Kelly's, and Missy met up in Media at Stephen's for a few drinks before I left the next day. Media was hopping! We sat outside, listened to the band playing.....the next thing you know, we were singing with the band, dancing with homeless people, and shaking it in the middle of State St. I love my girlfriends!
Special thanks for their special appearances: Chuck & good to see you both!!!

Missy, Kelly & Cheryl with unkown Media man
Chrissy & Chuck
Missy & the homeless guy

Jojo, Kelly & Chrissy

Missy, Media man & Cheryl