Yesterday was our community yard sale. There are about 300 total attached townhomes and separate structure single houses, and approximately 60 homes in our "grouping". I'd say 6 out of 60 participated. They had advertised in the local and penny papers for the past 2 weeks, and there was a big banner on the outside wall all of last week.
I got up at 5:30 (normal now - still on eastside time) with ak, as I have him tuned into my crazy schedule. I went down to the garage to start getting things organized, and have my all important cup of joe. I started moving boxes, and arranging empty totes as tables. I had borrowed a card table from our neighbors, plus a coffee pot to sell for them. I got a cool $2.00 for it :)
ak came downstairs and was like "what the hell? it sounds like you are bringing the house down"! Our office is directly above the garage, so it I guess it may have been loud??? Anyway, I got him to help carry some merchandise downstairs, and he thought we had to load up the car. He thought I was going somewhere else to sell the stuff. I was like, dude, you are too funny.
So I was all set to go at 7am, and again, ak says "you can't open the garage at 7am" and imagine his surprise at my first customer at 7:04. He pretty much stayed away from the selling floor, and when I text messaged for coffee or a bathroom breaks, he would stand all the way at the back of the garage, basically with one foot in the door to the house :) We had lots of laughs, and he was imitating me haggling and chit chatting - the office windows were of course open, and my voice has a tendency to travel.
I had lots of traffic early, then it tapered off until a rush from 9:15 - 10am, then it started getting REALLY hot outside - it's been in the high 90's for 2 days. Alot of folks didn't even have their places "open" until 10am, which was just dumb. The most asked for items were: musical instruments, laptops, cell phones and bikes. None of which I had, but I was still largely successful in getting rid of many things, and my target shoppers were women. I closed down by noon packed up what didn't sell and took it directly to the Good Will drop-off. There were only 2 bags to drop off, so I was pleased. Also, I had continuously cleaned the garage during the entire sale, so it was swept, organized, and I even hung more pictures! I want to hang out there now.
Jojo's numbers:
1 set of potholders
1 Cuisinart sandwich maker
1 clock radio
2 baseball hats
4 belts
3 pairs of shoes
3 pocketbooks
5 articles of clothing
1 travel steamer
4 fashion scarves
11 books
2 sets of silverware
1 curling iron
1 pen & pencil set
1 set of shower rings
1 coffee pot (neighbors)
Total Items Sold = 42
Total Cash Collected = $40.75 NOT TOO SHABBY!!!!
Here are a few funny incidents:
*I was wearing a Metallica shirt, ripped up jeans, hat, flops & glasses. These teenage guys came up, and one was amazed I was wearing a heavy metal band tee, and we ended talking about some music and bands like Godsmack. He's the one who bought the coffee pot, and I think he was about 13.
*I had my change operation happening on the back end of the card table, and at one point put my iphone down on top of a tag that had $1.50 on it. This little plump Mexican boy asked me for the phone and had $1.50 in his hand, and we all cracked up. I told him that unfortunately the iphone was not for sale. Then this older nerd dude was like, "I'll give you $300 for it right now", which I thought was kind of weird. I politely declined his offer, and still managed to sell him a belt.
*I carried the bills in my jeans pockets, and close to noon ak came to check on me and I proudly pulled out my wad of ones, a 5, and a 20. It looked like stripper cash, and that I was tallying up with my pimp after business.
*At one point, I was yakking with about 4-5 older ladies, and ak had come down to ask me something, stuck his head out the door, saw the action and shut it so fast the air sucked out of the garage. He later explained that he had been scared. It was my hard sales technique - it's frightening.
So, all in all it was a great day, and we had a few extra buck in our pockets. The best is the bunch of crap that is gone!
We had a great night, getting together with 2 other couples for a belated birthday celebration. We went to a great Greek place for dinner, and had a blast. No one has been out much lately, so everyone let loose a bit. ak and I had 3 Bellinis a piece and were feeling no pain :) We did dessert back here at the house, and another couple was able to join us, too, so it was a real party. I got some cool things, the most exciting being a set of watercolors, paper, brushes and paint tray from my friend Julie. Combined with mom's art set, I am really feeling the need to create!!
*A special thanks to Rikke, our niece, who managed to send me the most beautiful bouqet of Peruvian Lillies while in the midst of Africa. You spoil me, and I love it ....just take it easy on the old auntie Jojo stuff!!! Here is a shot of your fabulous flowers!

*Also, I am so happy that the pregancy was annouced over at simone. I have been literally bursting to acknowledge the news on the blog, because ak and I are so very excited for Chrissy & Eric! Also, their new home is absolutely amazing, and that bun in the oven is in for a wonderful life with wonderful parents :) Congratulations, baby-makers!
later, peeps
dude u turn 40 and you're having garage sales with walkers
poor axel
funny post
more of my comment tomorrow
it's 9:30 eastside
my bedtime
love ya
hey thanks for the note and chocky chip recipe
how much did those shower rings go for?
50 cents, sister!
no prob on the recipe - good cookies :)
missed you at the yard sale...NO English Patient
happy birthday to axel!
did u spend that $40.75 on him?
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