Crafting it up in CA, letting my good buddies Eastside know what I am up to out here in The Cats
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Yard Sale Hilarity & Success, Shout Outs

Jojo's numbers:
1 set of potholders
1 Cuisinart sandwich maker
1 clock radio
2 baseball hats
4 belts
3 pairs of shoes
3 pocketbooks
5 articles of clothing
1 travel steamer
4 fashion scarves
11 books
2 sets of silverware
1 curling iron
1 pen & pencil set
1 set of shower rings
1 coffee pot (neighbors)
Total Items Sold = 42
Total Cash Collected = $40.75 NOT TOO SHABBY!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009
Out there & loving it - 40 & in the future!
It was a grand homecoming. I walked around the place a few times, and checked out the plants, just trying to get my bearings. The best was ak just being right there. I take for granted the amount of time we spend together, and when I was unable to reach out to touch him whenever I wanted, it sucked. I had an ache in me that has finally disappeared over the days I've been back with him.
Okay, enough mush, let's get to the good stuff!! As you know, I turned 40 last Thursday, and I must say it felt pretty damn good!! We have been in lockdown mode since my return Wednesday, so I was quite relaxed. I took several calls throughout the day. Two honorable mentions go out to my godson Nicky and his singing skills, as well as a call from the Shady Maple himself, with Maple Junior making his first gaga - googoos across the phone lines. Very Cool.
I had been banned from the office since I got back. I wasn't allowed to look at emails, or look in certain parts of the house. At first I was bummed, but I was busy unpacking and starting to get tasks in line dealing with mom, and hitting the laundry pile :) So I was excited about my bday, but also very distracted by the past 4 1/2 weeks with mom.
As Thursday dawned, I was having a cup of delicious coffee (I really missed my coffee maker), cigg and reading out on the back patio. We had washed down all of our patio furniture the day before, and rearranged the plants in the front and back, so we were ready for the outdoor season. I checked in with my mom, and we had a nice chat. I had a nice little walk, and started in on the stack of People magazines that had come while I was gone.
After a few more phone calls, ak and I had a lovely brunch with VC mimosas. My new juice favorite is Simply Juice/Orange with Mango - fantastic for the mimosa. Then it was time to open cards and presents. I first checked emails and blogs, and was so pleased to discover that I had a birthday blog posted by my girl Chrissy, and several ecards.
I got great cards - most mentioning 40, but a couple from aunts & uncles who still send the kiddie-style cards. I got one with kittens playing on the front. Seriously.
And now the presents ....
I got a gorgeous watch - it has 2 faces, so one is set for west coast, and one for east coast. I have wanted one like this for a long time :)
Also some stationary, a summer wallet, a carry-on bag, a pastel & watercolor set, 2 gorgeous beaded bags from my mom - a white one she carried at her wedding, and a black one she used with her travelling suit (leaving from reception to honeymoon). I love when my mom busts out stuff like this - she still has some secrets!
....and, drumroll, please ... ak got me the Amazon Kindle!!!!!
I was so surprised -- I really have been distracted, so it was fantastic for both of us. I was jumping around clapping my hands, and ak had this huge smile on his face. I also received a book light, and Kindle cover to go with it. I plugged it in to start immediate charging, and did some pre-browsing in Amazon to see what books I wanted. My boy Stephen King wrote a novella titled UR that is ONLY available on the Kindle - how cool is that?? That was first on my list of downloads. Once charged, I put the Kindle through a 2 hour downloading marathon. It was like Neo getting hooked up to the Matrix the first time, learning judo, karate, and so forth. There is a ridiculous amount of free books available - classics, Obama's speech, cookbooks, you name it. The books then go from $0.01 to $9.99 - that is the highest price for any book. I have 40 books on my new gadget, and it is so exciting! I spent $13.00 for all of that. I finished the Stephen King, and am reading 2 books currently. One about Barbie and her creator, and the second called Revolutionary Road, the story the movie that Kate Winslett one the Oscar last year.
I admit, when this thing first came out, I was against it. I saw myself as a martyr for the paper page, the traditional book. We started reading articles about it, and feedback from actual users, and I started to change my opinion. Christin had one on the cruise, & that's the moment I was sold on it. I will always have my library, and will continue to read the written word, but this gadget makes it easier and simply portable.
I love love love it! Even ak is completely impressed with it - he says it is completely different than he thought it would be. When it is sleeping, screensavers of every author imaginable come up, and the screen is phenomenal! It uses technology ink, so it doesn't look like a computer screen, and is so clear and actually easier on the eyes. I can read the blogs on it, and we are trying to publish to it next. Whew!! I am glued to it. We are looking into services taht will convert my book library to Kindle text.
All righty, peeps. It Monday, and I have a To Do list that is out of hand. I can report that my mom has herself a driver she can call at any time for rides. She already used it once, and said it was going to work out well. Also, she hired one of the kids down the street (last name Nolan :) )to do her laundry once a week. She had a "test" run yesterday, and all went really well. I am very relieved, especailly concerning the laundry, as now mom doens't have to go down the treacherous staircase. My next to do item is to order her the First Alert in the wrist watch form.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Heading West
It's been a long 4 weeks, but mom & I have really gotten a ton of stuff done.
She's had at least 2-3 doctor appointments per day, plus trips to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Trader Joe's, Boscovs, Sears, Joanne Fabrics, Riddle Thrift Shop, CVS, Walgreens, hairdresser, Elwyn Pharmacy (daily), Wachovia, Brookhaven Nails, Home Depot, Kinkos, Kohl's, and the ghetto Pathmark in Brookhaven. We went to Langhorne for Easter, St. Luke's church during holy week, visited various neighbors, and gone back to Riddle Village for her to visit friends she's made, too.
And my 9th grade cousin went to the junior and senior proms this and last Friday - more on that in a later post!
Phew - Jojo is exhausted.
I have only seen Chrissy once, and have only been able to talk with Kelly on the phone :(
I haven't been to the Plumber, or stopped by Granger's ... HIGHLY unusual for me!
It's been a different kind of trip, and despite my mom & I having our usual disagreements, she's told me some family things I never knew, gave me a letter written to me for my 1st birthday (in Greek) from my grandmother/yiayia. She was the only one I had, as the others had all passed long before I came along. My mom's mom died before I was a year old, and I don't remember her at all. The letter was wonderful to have, and I've already framed it for my bedside.
Of course I am sad to leave mom, but I hope to return within 2 months to continue working on the house with mom.
At this point, I miss ak too much. I feel like one of my limbs is missing - this is the longest we've been apart!
I leave Tuesday, and we won't be taking any calls until Thursday ;)
Peace Out, players!