Monday, January 26, 2009

Hair Raising Wii Action

Well, I cut my hair!

Here's how it all started ......

There was a dancer, Susanna, on the cruise with this cut in blonde, same curls and texture as my hair.
I checked her out the whole cruise, and took pictures of her hair. I think she believed that I was some lesbian hair stalker by the end of the trip.

I then got AK's & Barb's opinions, and the next thing you know, our whole group of 20 put in their 2 cents, so it was decided right then that I would be cutting my locks.
I realized I was ready for a change, and had a hair appt. already scheduled for 2 days after we got back to Cali.

Well, here I am with my new hair-do (if you look closely at my neck on the left, you can see my surgery scar). It is taking some getting used to, but I am liking it more and more as each day passes. I am finding it hard to use less products ... I have had the long locks since college, and am so used to using a ton of shampoo, conditioner, mousse, etc., and old habits are hard to break! I am posting the one picture now, and will put up more as I get better at styling my mop. I straightened it today, and I kind of resemble the Beatles in the 60's.

Thanks for all the support and hand holding - I got the super thumbs up from the 2 moms plus Chrissy & Kelly, so that was enough for me to know I had done a good thing. My hairdresser actually had a bottle of wine for me if I needed it during the appointment, and when AK picked me up, he wasn't sure if I would need a stretcher, pills, or booze to get me home.

He actually got me a late Christmas present while I was getting chopped - a Wii with the Wii Fit package. I love it!!!! It is so cute, and actually very motivating. I can add my walking to my daily activities, along with any other activity that is not within the actual Fit disc. AK & I created our avatars (precious), and both have Activity Logs that show our progress, and show us how far or close we are from reaching goals we set within our profiles. Too cool, and it was wonderful that he thought of it to distract me from every mirror in the house!!

Still working on cruise pictures and commentary - it's been crazy since we got home!

Happy Monday, and a good week to all .... later peeps!

P.S. Happy 79th Birthday, Mom! You're the best, & we can only hope to age as beautifully and gracefully as you have!
Love you!


tedman said...

I admire your courage too, as it's hard to do something different!

You look GREAT! Hope you guys are doing well.

akjn westside said...

Thanks, Ted - I really appreciate your kind words :)
Happy New Year, and all the best to you in 2009!
Don't forget, we have a guestroom just waiting for some good buddies to visit .... hint, hint!

cns said...

way to go lesbian stalker
looks great!

happy bday to felicia:)

akjn westside said...

thanks, sugar :)
every day gets a bit better once the shock wears off after that 1st look in the mirror!

cns said...

dude everybody is over at facebook
even chuck beebe, remember him?
he doesn't have a gallery anymore