Thursday, February 15, 2007

V-Day 2007

Hope everyone had a happy heart day! We did, although our dinner didn't show up until today (Thursday). Good thing, too! We've been on snow-lock-down since Tuesday, so supplies are getting slim. I thought Alaska was giving me love pinches, but I think he was actually checking me for tenderness. He admitted that if we were ever in a "cannibal" situation, I am the logical food choice...he'd be stringy and tough.

Needless to say, George and Gracie were delicious. The 49th state did an amazing job cooking and cracking. Of course I screamed and hopped around like a nut in the kitchen until they entered the pot...then I felt less threatened. Say goodnight, Gracie.

Movies that we've enjoyed during the weather-imposed lockdown:

Marie Antoinette: Fascinating, and since I read the book the movie was based on, it was especially satisfying. Sophia C. did a great job, and the flick definately has her flair. She was given permission to film in and around Versailles, so it made it more of a beleivable period piece.

Dreamgirls: We liked it, but agreed it was only worth watching for Eddie Murphy. The true story of the Supremes, Dianna Ross, Barry Gordy, etc., is even spicier than the movie.

The Good German: Excellent. We love the Deutschland history, of course, and were able to discuss with Alaska's mama for her take on the whole Berlin thing, as she lived there through the quartering of the city.

The Last King of Scotland: Superb. Disturbing. It makes you appreciate living in the USA. Check this out-Alaska's mom and dad actually met Idi Amin in Uganda in the 70's...alaska's dad had just finished working on the Namibia airport, and Idi invited them over to check out the Uganda airport...freaky.

Blood Diamond: Watched it twice....the scariest because it is currently happening. Makes you think twice about the bling, but I love me some Leo!

The Departed: Classic. Viewed twice, also. I am finally getting over Matt Damon's Chicklette teeth. And there's Leo again!

Next up in the projector room: Babel, The Queen, The Good Shepard and Pan's Labyrinth. I'll let you now how they are. You think we are on the Academy committee, or something :)

For everyone except PinF-STAY WARM! Chuck, our shovel-challenged friend, we are working on a care package for you.

AKJN are California dreaming on such a winter's day........

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