Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Word: party

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: gathering

Synonyms: affair, amusement, at-home, ball, banquet, barbecue, bash, bee, bender, binge, blowout, brannigan, bust, carousal, carousing, celebration, cheer, clambake, cocktails (MAN-POLITANS), coffee klatch (morning after), coming-out, crush (ours with a "K"), dinner, diversion, do, entertainment, feast, festive occasion, festivity, fete, fun, function, gala, get-together, hop, hullabaloo, jag, jig, jump, kegger, patio social, luncheon, mingle, moveable feast, orgy, prom, reception, riot, shag, shindig, social, soiree, splurge, spree, stag, tailgating, tea, tear, time

Chuck arrives! (finally, after
hanging outside for 5 minutes)

Sophie, Chuck and cake

Flash working his magic in
the Ponderosa kitchen

Krush Groove and a
Birthday Rap (?)

Jojo & party favor Sophie

Community card



Classic, simply classic. I just had a SMM. (Soul Mate Moment)

Chuck said...

I was being "fashionably late"

akjn westside said...

As the guest of honor, Chuck, you were allowed to do anything you wanted! However, I believe we were promised a Beebe skinny dip in Plows water feature...what happened to the show?