Last Wednesday, July 5, myself, CNN, PinF, Sophie, Matt, PinF-mama, Lynn and Jerry attended the first round of Delco Idol at the Media Theatre. There were 30 singers ranging in age from 14 to 21. In the program, Idol is described as an "outreach program for area young people who are interested in theatre and the performing arts". Therefore, it differed a great deal from the TV show; 95% of the performers sang show tunes from current and moldy oldy shows (ie: Wicked, Aida, West Side Story, Thoroughly Modern Milly). We only got to hear 4 "modern" songs, and they are the ones we remember the most.

CNN and Sophie before the show starts!
Sophie was an excellent judge of the singers-we rated each with a thumbs up, down, or waving in the middle. The critique most heard from Sophie was "his/her voice was too pitchy". Look out Paula Abdul-we have your replacement ready!
Sophie's fave was Erika Graham, who did a great rendition of Alicia Key's "Fallin". I liked Dan Wolf, who also played guitar during his song, as well as Jamai who did a great John Legend song. We met a few of them after the show, and got some pictures taken, and got the chance to shake hands and congratulate those moving on the the next round...it felt very Hollywood!

Sophie and Erika

Dan Wolf and Sophie
Now, there were some Seinfeld moments during the event...the straining button, the guy starring in the Media Theatre production of West Side Story whose notes were flatter than a pancake, the beanpole with the blackbelt that sang like a Vienna Boys Choir member, to the last performer who was singing in English, but made it seem like a strange foreign language. Lynn and Jerry had to remove theselves during the first part of the show because they got the giggles so bad! However, the bottom line is that these kids got up there and did their thing, and that was amazing to watch, and now Sophie wants to attend their summer theatre program....that's what it is all about.
The night was a total success, beginning with dinner at Sligo with the Pinfers and Pinf-mama, to the after party (Sligos again!) where we recapped the highs and lows of each performer. Due to some of the atrocious clothing that these kids wore, I may offer up my fashion services for free to help some of these kids out...we couldn't believe that some of the performers had parents that actually let them out in public in those outfits! Bad pantyhose, leggings, 80's prom dresses....and most of the girls looked 40 with the make-up they had on. Like I said, I may have a new job calling!
Thanks, Sophie for our tickets to Idol...a great time was had by all of us, and I know we'll always remember that night! Missing the Pinfers already, and can't wait until we see them again...Ciao!

The Girlz, enjoying ourselves @ Sligo
By far the most hilarious posting to date on this Blog!! Classic, classic stuff...the "..bean pole" referance....the outfits....I was cracking up. And the photos? Wow....who just came back from the Riviera? That tan of yours is slamming JO!! You and Sophie look like twins.....great stuff.....I loved it---ALL of it. It was a killer night, as was the vacation...thanks for all kindnesses. PinF
loooooooove the blog it wasn't pichie. you will go on to the next level of the blogging idol
A real PinF to be sure with that cheeky comment......
great post
didn't erika perform "if i ain't got u"
your creative juices are really flowing...as evidenced saturday at the basement jam session
keep it up and keep it real
I just saved the www.mediatheatre.ord site on my favorties so I can keep up with the contest!
p.s. I love cheeky comments :)
Basement jam session? What did I miss? And why is it being done in the basement? Uhoh.
jo the madonna lyrics are a nice touch
thanks, cnn...I like to change it up every now and then :)
you are totally right on the song...Erika did sing "if I ain't got you"....good call-I need an editor :)
Jo, great post, but you might want to think about moving up to the 35 S.P.F. next time you're out in the sun!
PP-it's the mist tan...no uvb or uva rays, and only takes 30 secs! FYI-I wear 30 all over my body every day of the year-the sun scares me :) thanks for the concern!!!
BAM!! Jo was waiting for that remark just so that she could fire offthe UV safe response. Obviously the highest compliment attesting to the realistic appearance of the faux tan--further warranting a few more visits.....nice work J-Glow.....that's right PinF is now giving you your new name. J-GLOW. Love it.
hey joanie
do they have a real light, real nice spray for my powdalicious body?
J-Glow is here....contemplating the next spraydown :)
Pinf-you read me like a book! I am sassy and UV safe.
Powdalicious..I do the lightest color-go for it...let's go togeher to my place for maximum color with exfoliation and moisturization :)
now i'm thinking i might wanna go savage tan...do they have a real dark mist?
JGLOW--Finally. thought maybe you were caked in UV Mist.....the name is perfect. Just kinda rolls off the tongue....you go GLOW.
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