Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This year's annual fiesta at Tedman's topped all of the previous we've attended. The food was great, drinks were flowing, kids were running here and there, and the conversations were hilarious. You can find out who actually won this year, and past years by going to the 5 Mile website: www.media5milerace.com

Austin was fed many burgers and dogs to the point where he finally just walked around carrying a hot dog in his mouth that looked like a cigar.

Late night, Bill brought over his BIG BUD-a huge plastic Budweiser bottle CNN gave him that was originally filed with pretzels. I specifically did not drink from the communal cup, but those who did wore the unmistakable beer stain down the fronts of their shirts!

Thanks for a great time, Ted!

The Boyz

Austin "Smoke 'em if you got 'em"

Matt & the BIG BUD

The Official 5 Mile Cheerleaders

Fun with Ray while in line for the facilities

Also, Happy Belated Father's Day to all of you out there! Hope you had a wonderful day, and were treated like kings!

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