Just got in last night from AZ...decent flight, and got to meet Andy Reid on it, so ak and I continue with our streak of literally "flying" with Eagles on our planes from Phoenix to PHL. He was adorable! I wished him a Happy Easter and told him I looked forward to a great season, shook his hand, and he thanked me for being a fan, and wished me a happy holiday as well. Looks like he's dropped some lbs.
Anyway, back to the treehouse-it was amazing to sleep in our own bed again :) Returning lots of calls, talking to lots of relatives, and receiving gracious and loving wishes re: the engagement ring; as well as fending off those ready to get the wedding plans rolling...patience is a virtue!
Looking forward to seeing the Media posse...CNN especially!! Thanks again to all for your congrats messages...we feel the love!
*the picture was taken from one of our friends places in Santa Cruz, CA...totally beautiful!
Yo Jo----welcome back. PinF
is pinf really your maid of honor?
nah-he may have to fight it out with Andre for flower girl, though!
Welcome back kids! Bill G. had a great idea, why don't you just get married online and we can watch via webcam!
You're not gonna be a Bridezilla, are ya, Jo?? How are you going to choose between CNN and PinF for your maid of honor? Both would look smashing in something frilly and pink. And stilettos.
no bridezilla here, tech 50...if and when we decide to actually get married, we're putting ak's mom at the reigns...
By the way huys, when you stay at someone's house you really shouldn't take their pictures with you when you leave, unless they offered it to you.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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