At least today I ceased blowing day-glow yellow snot out of my nose.
It has given me the opportunity to catch up on movies and TV, though.
Our TIVO, DVR and computers are full of visual entertainment, so it was good to watch some new stuff, as I have been stuck in a Transformers/Speed Racer rut. Not that I don't love those 2 movies, but I literally watch them every day.
Ok, back to the recent homefront viewing.
First up is Grand Torino, starring our local boy, Clint Eastwood. It's a hard movie, dealing with growing older, racism, crappy kids, and of course, the car. It reminded me a great deal of my dad, the original Archie Bunker. Clint's character had a garage full of tools, was a retired mechanic/Ford line-man, and could fix anything in the house. At times it was difficult to watch, but it was worth a little pain. Everyone should watch this movie, if just to get perspective on how out of control the race issue still is in our country- it is shameful. Clint always delivers, and does not disappoint here. Again, like my father, his character just needed someone to introduce him to different things and people.
Second movie up is The Wrester. This isn't a feel-good movie either, but it was mesmerizing, and now both ak and I have a level of respect for the "fake" wrestling that was not present before. Mickey Rourke is hard to look at, but is amazing in his role. It is a down and dirty movie, the kind that makes you feel like showering after watching. We were speechless as the credits were rolling - we were that affected by what we had just seen. We will definately be watching it again, but need to wait a few months.
The next movies aren't new in the past 12 months, but are in my top 10 favorites.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Black and white flick, shot in 1962, starring Gregory Peck. This is my all time favorite novel, and the movie is extremely well done and loyal to the book. This is another movie that deals with racism, but during the depression. They don't make them like this anymore!
The Virgin Suicides - this was Sofia Coppola's directorial debut, and is based on the book written by Jeffrey Eugenides, a fellow Greek. The book was stellar, and Sofia translated it beautifully to film. It is a strange tale, not very uplifting, but the kind of movie that you watch over and over, hoping that the ending will change.
Pride and Prejudice - 2005 with Keira Knightley, based on the Jane Austen novel. It is set In Georgian England, around the 1800's. It's definately a chick flick, but a good one. I am totally into the dude that plays Mr. Darcy, Matthew Macfadyen. I don't know what it is about him in this flick - the hair, clothes, or the way he talks, but it works for me. I have seen this countless times, but I still get goosebumps and teary-eyed at certain parts. I watched earlier today, and wasn't disappointed.
Sin City - Visually, this movie is a classic. The first conversion of a Frank Miller graphic novel to a movie, and WOW! It assaults you visually, is very very sexy, a film noir set in a comic environment. Not for the faint of heart - there are some extreme violent scenes. Clive Owen is a total hunk in this, and Mickey Rouke is actually in it, too. After you watch it, you want to kick some ass.
Moving on to TV....
Rescue Me - Love this show and love Denis Leary - he could be from Media and the Middletown Firehouse, sort of, but not really. This show is off the wall, and is in your face with how crazy firefighters really are. I spent the latter years of high school hanging with firehouse dudes, and my cousin's husband had been fighting fires in the Delco area since I was 12, so I have an affection for these kind of guys. The characters are nuts, and it's the kind of show where I can't wait for the week to pass for the next episode.
Family Guy - For years, Ak and I refused to watch this for some reason. We would watch 5 minutes of an episode, and be like "this sucks". Well, something changed in the last 6 months, and now we can't get enough of it. It is so wonderfully raw and just wrong - really wrong. The baby, Stewie, is my favorite, and he is the dirtiest one on the show. It is our kind of humor, too, the kind that takes it one step too far, and makes you imagine the grossest things possible. It's like being back in college, and I am pissed we didn't think of it first!! Ak and I giggle like schoolgirls when we watch.
Ok, these last two shows are my guily pleasure, and so bad. Really bad, but I am completely addicited to both.
Bridezillas - I have no idea how the women on this show have men that want to marry them. They are insane! I want to call them after each show and just yell at them for being so spoiled & rotten, and tell them how lucky they are that they actually have someone, and families that love them. Just watch 1 episode, if you can get through it. The behavior is atrocious, and explains why all children and teenagers act the way they do, having these women as examples. But it is like a car wreck - you can't turn away! Just seeing the wardrobe choices for the entire bridal parties is worth it for a laugh.
Dog the Bounty Hunter - Ok, this may be the worst of the worst. Along with Bridezillas, these are the 2 shows Ak absolutely refuses to watch. I have no idea why I like this show so much, as I despise the reality cop-type shows, but this one has captured my fancy. There is a lot of hair going on - they all need major conditioner, and I think about sending them a case of PM Awapuhi every week. Beth's boobs, outfits and nails are a sight to see, and she could be from South Philly or Jersey. Dog's wrinkly tan leather bag skin hanging out of his open shirts should make me vomit, but it doesn't. Again, the reason I watch this escapes me, but I am all fired up for next Wednesday night on A&E for part 3 of an ongoing chase.
Well, this is just a slice of the huge amount of visual stimulation I get from the magic box on a daily basis, and wanted to share with you. I hope you have enjoyed it!
Finally, a BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT to Dean!