Well, many things have happened since the last post, some good, some not so good.
Unfortunately, I am currently suffering with a sinus infection, and on my second Z-pac trying to knock it out of my system. I believe that one reason I got sick in the first place is that I have been working a great deal, more than any of you (including myself) ever thought I was capable of. My bookkeeper visited her native Nicaragua for the month of August, as she does every year. This wasn't too bad except my General Manager had announced in late July that he would be leaving the company for another opportunity. This was a huge disappointment for me, as I got along with this guy famously, and the rest of the staff was muy content with their management package. It was a pleasure working with him. It has been a long time that I have had this much respect for a co-worker. I still talk with him on a weekly basis - Fantasy Football, and all. Anyway, he departed around the 4th, and then there was one.
While this is happening in the foreground, in the background, my good buddy Tom, one of the Maintenance Supervisors, and a big reason I came back to this specific property, decides to take a position in Gig Harbor, WA, at another one of the company's properties, and take his wife, Terry, with him. Terry works part time in my office as my admin. assistant.....so, I am literaly losing people left and right. These are good people, people that we actually left the house to do things with, and their goodbye was painful.
Okay, time for a bright spot in the gloom....one of the activities we did with Tom and Terry and a select gang was go to the horse races up at Bay Meadows in San Mateo. It's an old racetrack, but clean, with good drinks and food. Of course it is slated to be torn down and turned into high rise condos for the SF airport view in the distance. I had NO idea what was going on with the betting, and the simultaneous broadcasts from Delmar and Saratoga, but by the 4th race I was on it. I was not to be stopped: in one race I individually picked each horse to win, and in another I let T&T's 4 year old grandaughter just scribble in my bet book and I went with her interpretations. I was consistant in picking any horse/jockey combo with pink in it to win, and I always bet a trifecta. Akjn was up $160 at one point, but came home with 2 vouchers-one for .20, and one for .50. Good fun, though, and akjn looks forward to doing that again.
Another fun thing.....I joined a Fantasy Football league with the GM guy and his buddies. They were surprised to discover I was a "chick" at the party, but due to some serious help from PokerPro and Paul, I proved to be a contender. I was the scribe, and I am the treasurer! It's been fun so far, and I realize how much more invovled you get with the games...I was glued to the pre-season games, and enjoyed some good ball over the weekend, and watching the 'niners game as I write this. Ak is right there with me, trying to get all these fantasy programs on my phone for me. He called Comcast last week to ensure his girl had all appropriate channels for the season.
So.....I was in bed from Thursday afternoon to last night. I had talked to CNN Wednesday, and thought I would blog over the weekend, but I just didn't feel like it, and then was worried that I might not feel like it ever again!
Well, now it's Monday, I had to go back to the grind, 2 people called out sick (including the bookkeeper), my email was over quota and my auto archive doesn't work so it took 2 hours to sort and manually archive my emails before I could even send one today, had to do the dog and pony show with our insurance carrier rep, and the fax broke. I knew that tonight I would blog.
Take it light...
Oh...I almost forgot! I have received 2 books so far from the chain letters! The first is John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley, that was received from __?__ Creek, GA (sorry, threw out the envelope), and the second, Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife, I received today from Scotts Valley, CA. I LOVED the Steinbeck....written in 1962 but so fresh, and I just started the Time Traveler. Got an invite in the mail to join the Friends of Los Gatos Public Library in the mail today, too! Karma :)