Monday, April 16, 2007

Roots Ramble, Rain & the Southern Visitor

The Roots Ramble was awesome! The Man in Black at the Plummy and Bill Kirchen at Sligo's were both feet still hurt from all the toe tapping I did in my heels.

Meesh gets an A+ for scoring our VIP passes-thanks doll!

We were graced with Pinf's presence.....T&C definately added to the festivities of the evening.

Fortunately, the weather did not unleash itself until the early hours of Sunday am. I spent a deliciously cozy night on CNN's couch with the maple leaf quilt. It was a seriouly slow-starting day....the sound of the wind and rain lulled me into a coma-like state that only my hunger pulled me out of.

CNN and Pinf


PokerPro said...

Glad to see everyone is friends again and there is finally peace throughout Bloggerland!

akjn westside said...

pro-we totally missed you Sat nite!